
The Alkaline Food Guide

The Alkaline Food Guide

With fitness being the dynamic field that it is, and with continuous research, there are new findings and ways to improve one’s fitness levels.

People try new diets, mostly as fads or owing to their popularity, but once they see positive impact on their life, they start following the diets sincerely.

The right food palate for you is the one that balances the foods and improves your health. The concept of ALKALINE FOODS AND FOOD DIET became popular when a few celebrities had given its reference in their interviews. It is not only a way to check the balance in their foods, but also a way to add healthier habits and ways to boost their overall well- being.

Research backed by science is always constructive and substantial. And it is a scientific fact that when you balance the foods in your body, your body will always have a positive reaction to the change. By focusing on the right balance of foods, one can potentially enhance one’s energy levels, improve digestion, and support the immune system. While discussing fitness, there is so much focus on gut health, and having the right balance in foods makes the gut stronger.


Let us first understand what is the alkaline diet?

The principle behind the alkaline food diet is that consuming foods that help body’s PH BALANCE can do wonders to fitness.

Consuming a diet high in acidic foods (like processed foods, sugar, refined flour), leads to an imbalance. An alkaline diet encourages foods that help make the body alkaline. This has many benefits.


1. Improved Digestion

Alkaline Foods are rich in fiber, which promotes healthy digestion, and also prevents constipation.

2. Higher Energy Levels

Alkaline foods are nutrition dense, and they make a person more energetic.

3. Enhanced Immune System

A diet rich in alkaline foods, mainly fruits and vegetables, is highly recommended to boost your immune system.

4. Weight Management

The Foods focused on an alkaline diet, is always a healthier option, and helps you in weight management.


While focusing on an alkaline diet, it is important to distinguish between the acid forming and alkaline forming foods.


Processed Sugars, Dairy, Meats, Refined Grains, Caffeine.



  • LEMONS: Despite being acidic in nature, lemons are considered alkaline forming.
  • AVOCADOS: Healthy fats and nutrition rich, Avocados are the best alkaline food.
  • WATERMELON:  A most favorite fruit for many people, this is excellent for hydration, low on calories and rich in alkaline.
  • BERRIES: All berries are antioxidant rich foods and are alkaline foods. Strawberries, Raspberries, Blue Berries.


  • SPINACH – A rich source of nutrition, spinach is powerhouse of nutrition. One of the best alkaline foods can be consumed raw as well as in cooked form. It’s a great ingredient for smoothies and salads.
  • BROCOLLI: High in fiber and vitamin C, there are a lot of recipes for Broccoli.
  • KALE
  • CUCUMBERS: Low in calories, and an excellent ingredient for salads, sandwiches, and so many side dishes, there are actually pages dedicated to CUCUMBER on Instagram for the various ways in which it can be consumed.


Almonds, Chia Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, are very good sources of omega 3, and magnesium. Another addition to your meals for an alkaline diet.


Lentils, Chickpeas, Whole Grains such as Qunioa, and brown rice are nutrition dense, rich in protein and good carbs.

The sources of Alkaline foods are mostly the items that are a part of any healthy diet. Mostly the healthy foods are always present in most of the diets that you see. Ofcourse some diets like keto or a pescatarian diet will totally eliminate a food type, or food group.

As discussed, the idea of an Alkaline Food Diet is to maintain the PH balance in the body and regulate the acidity. This will increase your metabolism and make the fitness journey a lot more enjoyable.


Transitioning to an alkaline diet may not be as difficult, as you have to only eliminate the acidic foods gradually from your diet and focus more on the alkaline foods.

You can incorporate the changes, slowly by including more fruits and vegetables in your meals.

Hydration is very important in any kind of diet or generally too. Remember, water is elixir.

Educate yourself and be experimental too. You can find a lot of recipes on the internet for your choices and plan your meals accordingly. Moderation is the key, and you need not be deprived at all.

Your PH level may not change immediately but it will be balanced on its own. An alkaline diet supports health, and compliments other healthy choices

A step towards fitness is the best step that you shall be taking for your life. And making exercise a part of your life is the foremost. Any diet that you follow will give you results only when you are consistent and follow it well.

While any fitness regimen can’t reverse your age or cure any chronic diseases, a well thought of diet plan can surely improve your immunity and make you healthier too.


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