Protein, carbs and fat are the three main macronutrients used by the body for energy and proper functioning. Proteins form an integral and vital part of the functioning of cells, tissues and organs in our bodies.
Protein Powders are made from protein rich foods that act as dietary supplements for increasing protein intake for muscle growth & recovery during intense body workouts. It also helps in meeting protein requirements in case one does not consume enough protein through food.
Protein supplements generally contain more than 20 to 30 grams of protein per serving and sometimes are also fortified with vitamins and minerals. Protein supplements come in various flavors, from fruit flavored protein powders to cookie and cream flavored Protein Powders. Milk chocolate is the most popular protein flavor. Protein supplements generally can be mixed with water, milk and can also be added to smoothies & shakes for consumption.
Protein shakes are usually enjoyed during morning breakfast in the form of shakes and smoothies. 1 scoop of good protein powder is mixed with chilled milk or water. One may add ingredients such as almonds, raisins, nuts, flax seeds etc. depending on one’s taste requirements. One also has protein shakes during work out sessions to replenish the lost energies. It can be taken before and after the workout session depending upon the intensity of the workout. Protein shakes are now a days available in different flavors such as chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, coffee etc.
Protein powder or protein shakes are good for the body as they are easier way to externally replenish the lost protein deficiency in the body. Protein shakes can have multiple benefits for the body:
- It can help in weight loss. Consuming whey protein makes you feel fuller for a long time which can reduce the cravings of unhealthy foods or in between meals
- Protein shakes are also taken as meal replacement shakes to lose weight. These again come in a variety of flavors
- One requires protein in the body whether you are a vegan or a vegetarian. Extra protein is also required by the human body when recovering from injury to facilitate the healing process
- A high protein breakfast is always recommended for you to start the day
- Protein shakes also support healthy metabolism and lean muscle mass. The body also uses sufficient energy to digest protein than it does for digesting carbohydrates or fat. This helps in burning more calories. This is called the thermic effect of protein.
- Protein shakes are also beneficial when one has limited access to high protein foods or have trouble meeting daily protein requirements
However, one must always check with a nutritionist or a physician if a protein shake is causing irritation or bloating. The person must check for lactose tolerance in the body in that case. Protein comes in 3 forms – Whey protein, whey isolates and whey concentrate. One must choose the right protein powder depending on the body’s requirement. One key factor that one must consider is whether the quality of protein is good or not. It is recommended one must go for a good quality protein brand who has a legacy in sports nutrition. There are many such brands in the market and MuscleTech is of the pioneers in sports nutrition products.