
What are weight gainers?

What are weight gainers?

Weight Gainers are nutritional supplements that help people gain weight. They are generally made up of carbohydrates, fats and protein. Designed for individuals who require a high caloric intake like bodybuilders, individuals struggling to gain weight. They are also often used by individuals who have a very high metabolic rate. A Gainer supplement generally provides around 1000+ calories in one go. The main components of weight gainers are below:

  1. Carbohydrates – weight gainers are generally calorie dense and contain a very high amount of carbs generally ranging between 500-1200 calories. Carbs are a quick source of energy in the body to carry workouts for a sustained period. Carbs have a fairly high caloric count and hence they give the body added muscle mass. Enough carbs in the body also helps in ensuring that the protein in the body is sufficiently used for repair and growth than energy production. Carb intake also helps in replenishing the lost glycogen stores in the body. Carbohydrates can further be divided into 3 categories:
    1. Simple Carbohydrates or Quick digesting carbs – e.g. Glucose or sucrose
    2. Complex carbohydrates or Fast digesting carbs – e.g. Found in sweet potatoes
    3. Low GI Carbohydrates that help in preventing sugar spikes
  2. Protein – protein would typically include whey protein, casein or plant-based protein to muscle growth and recovery. Protein is a series of amino acid linked in the form of a chain. Our bodies require sufficient protein for proper functioning and growth. Milk is a good source of protein. 80% of the protein in milk is casein and only 20% is whey protein. Since casein is thick in texture, it is popular amongst bodybuilders especially during their gaining phase.
  3. Fats – Healthy fats can be found in avocado, nuts etc ad should be taken in sufficient amount.

Who should take weight gaining supplements?

Weight gainers are nutritional supplements taken by:

  1. Hard Gainers – these are individuals with a very high metabolic rate and struggle to gain weight despite having high caloric foods. For such individuals weight gainers are important as a small portion can give them added calories instead of having large meals. They provide all the necessary calories without having to take in too much.
  2. Athletes or Bodybuilders – these are taken by bodybuilders and athletes who want to gain muscle mass. During intense workouts athletes generally lose significant calories. To replenish this loss, they take in weight gainers. Most of the athletes get into mass gaining phase during December and January which is off season for them to improve athletic performance. Winter months are considered bulking season.
  3. Recovering individuals – Some individuals after health issues lose a lot of weight. It is advised to such recovering individuals to have mass gainer to regain body weight and also maintain optimum energy levels.

Do weight gaining supplements have any side effects?

Before buying weight gaining supplement always keep in mind the below:

  1. Type of protein – Most important factor to check is the type of protein used in preparation of weight gainer. Whey Protein isolate derived from milk is considered best due to its fast digesting and absorption qualities.
  2. Brand Reputation – one should always buy weight gainer from a reputable brand that has a background in creating quality protein supplements. Muscletech’s Masstech Extreme delivers over 1000 calories and over 200g of carbs through a complex carb complex to spike insulin levels and promote muscle glycogen replenishment. It is one of the top-rated supplements for budding or seasoned athletes.
  3. Ingredient listing – Check the label for the type of ingredients used in preparation of weight gainer. It should not contain any artificial flavors or fillers.
  4. Quality – Buy weight gainer supplement that has undergone rigorous testing and research. Always look for third party certifications such as FSSAI to ensure that the product has passed the regulatory requirements.
  5. Flavor – Many people have a preference when it comes to taste. Whey protein used in weight gainer comes in a variety of flavors such as chocolate, vanilla. Milk chocolate flavor remains the most popular amongst all.

How many times one must take a weight gaining supplement?

Muscletech Masstech Extreme single scoop is so nutrient dense that it can be taken once everyday. But it is important to consume any gainer supplement powder in the right quantity and moderation. In case you have a health condition then do not take any weight gainer powder without consulting with your physician or nutritionist.

It should also be combined with regular exercise and strength training so that one does not add extra unwanted weight.

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