
How Much Protein is Enough?

How Much Protein is Enough?

Protein is often called the cornerstone of a balanced diet, and its true not only for the ones who exercise and are physically active but true for everyone around. Protein is very important for an active lifestyle. Protein impacts muscle building, weight management and is essential component for a healthy life and wellness.

Protein requirement for every person varies, but we need to know how much is required for every person and every day. As per dietary guidelines, a daily intake of 0.8 GRAMS of protein per kilogram of body weight is required. For athletes and people into a very active lifestyle, one may require 1 gm/2 gm per kilogram of bodyweight. The increased intake helps in recovery and repair.

Most of the people have this query as per the consumption of how much protein everyday ? The daily requirement of protein is determined by multiple factors, including body weight, physical activity, age, intensity of exercise. For a healthy palate, 30% of the calorie intake should be derived from protein sources. Rest of the palate should be from carbohydrates, good fats, and micro nutrients.


Protein is made up of amino acids that act as building blocks for cells and tissues in the body. There are 20 amino acids that combine to form proteins. Some are synthesized by the human body, and others can not. There are 9 essential amino acids that the body doesn’t produce. These are to be obtained through diet. The protein that is consumed is digested by the body and broken down into amino acids. These amino acids help the body in many processes, which and energy production.

When one doesn’t consume adequate protein, the body tends to break down muscle, and one feels fatigued, lack of energy and decreased muscle mass. Everyone has different fitness goals, and as per ones fitness goals, and the muscle growth one is seeking, the protein requirement varies. Most of the people don’t abide by the suggested dietary guidelines, so on an average they consume about 20gms of protein from different food sources. For people/ athletes who are into intense weight training, and resistance training, the protein requirement is much more.

People who do regular weight training/ high intensity training or are preparing/participating in sports, they often feel fatigued if their protein requirement is not fulfilled. They often question as to how much proyein do I need everyday? They manage their protein intake throughout the day, and consume about 20-30 gms of protein per meal that helps in protein synthesis. This ensures that the body receives its essential amino acids that are necessary for muscle repair and growth. Post workout muscle recovery is extremely important for people who workout and the post workout protein intake, often, is the most important meal of the day.
One always has queries on how much protein is too much? But lets first know the sources of protein.


There are many sources of protein to fulfill your protein needs .


  • Lean Meats
  • Poultry
  • Sea food
  • Eggs

While some people consume their protein requirement from animal based sources, there are a few people who consume only plant based sources, as they are vegetairans, or vegan. The plant based sources are :


  • Legumes
  • Lentils
  • Chick peas.
  • Nuts and Seeds
  • Soy Products : Tofu,edamame.
  • Whole Grains : Quinoa

Consuming protein from the natural sources of food is a wise option. However, due to the adulteration of food in today’s times, it becomes almost impossible to complete your nutritional requirement solely from food.  Many athletes, to fulfill their requirement of protein, consume protein scoop from supplements. Only a FSSAI approved, and the product with the best ingredients and formulation should be considered for consumption. A product that is trusted by many and has supreme quality of ingredients is the one that should be trusted upon. Even then if you have doubts on how much protein is too much for you, then you can consult a sports nutritionist/qualified trainer.

For most healthy individuals, a protein intake of 1.2 to 2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight is sufficient to meet dietary needs, support muscle growth, and avoid health risks. It’s important to balance protein intake with other macronutrients—carbohydrates and fats—and ensure a well-rounded diet. Determining how much protein is enough depends on your individual goals and circumstances. While the general recommendation is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight, those involved in strength training or looking to build muscle may benefit from higher intakes of up to 2.2 grams per kilogram. Balancing protein with other nutrients and avoiding excess is key to maintaining health and achieving fitness goals. If you fitness goal is to build muscle, and you always think of how much protein is enough to build muscle, then you have to gradually increase your protein intake, and support your fitness goals.

Depending on your fitness goals, the protein intake may vary. For weight gain, having a high protein diet with calorie deficit is beneficial. While for weight gain, having high protein diet, with adequate carbohydrates and fats will be the right thing to do.


Strength Training and Resistance Training and protein intake go hand in hand. For muscle recovery, and growth, consumption of protein is essential. Most of the people who follow active training patterns and are into regular workout schedule, consume protein for their recovery, especially post workout.
Their meals always include protein and their focus is on muscle building A high protein diet, with resistance training is the best gift to your health. Consuming a protein scoop post workout, helps you replenish the lost amino acids, aid recovery and help in muscle building too.

Incorporate a variety of protein sources into your diet, monitor your intake based on your goals, and adjust as needed to find the right balance for your needs. Whether you’re aiming to build muscle, lose weight, or simply maintain a healthy lifestyle, understanding and managing your protein intake is a crucial step towards achieving optimal health and fitness goals.

You might be having many queries as to how much protein is enough, how much protein to be taken everyday, and how much protein is needed to build muscle. Reading this will help you address your queries. One must consume enough protein for maintaining the best of health and life. It is highly recommended for everyone. Choose the best product for yourself.

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